Category: Uncategorized

  • Untitled post 594

  • Embracing Emotions

    Why is it essential to embrace emotions as a natural part of being human and to approach them with acceptance and compassion ? what outcomes do we get if we do so ? Personally, I sometimes struggle to recognize that my feelings are just as important as anyone else’s.Acknowledging this…

  • The Luminous Journey of a Twinkling Star (Part Three)

    Your journey as a young individual seems to be filled with experiences that are not only inspiring but also deeply touching. It’s evident that you’ve navigated through various challenges, shaping you into a person of great interest and admiration. If you’re comfortable, would you be willing to share more about…

  • The Luminous Journey of a Twinkling Star (Part Two)

    So admiring, I am extremely proud of you and I am genuinely curious to understand what has cultivated such inner strength at such a young age, especially considering the challenging situation you find yourself in. It must be incredibly exhausting to persist. I’m interested in knowing how you draw inspiration…

  • The Luminous Journey of a Twinkling Star (Part One)

    In the vast canvas of the night sky, there’s a seemingly timid star that often goes unnoticed. Blinking faintly, it appears feeble against the backdrop of the vast cosmic expanse. Yet, little do we realize that within its gentle twinkle, there lies a silent strength, waiting to unfold. From our…

  • As Hard as a Shell, As Soft as a Baluch (Part Two)

    Given your background of growing up on a farm and developing into an artist by creating art from the surrounding nature without formal academic guidance or expert advice, what served as your primary inspiration? It appears you’ve lived by the adage “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” You know,…

  • As Hard as a Shell, As Soft as a Baluch (Part One)

    For many, the unyielding texture of a shell serves as a metaphor for toughness, suggesting that the hardness of the exterior mirrors the strength of one’s mind. In this symbolic context, seashells become emblematic of resilience and determination, signifying an unwavering mindset that can weather life’s storms. The culture of…

  • Fernando Pessoa

    In celebration of the 30th anniversary of Pessoa House, a captivating event unfolded at his historical casa. The idea of visitng Pessoa Museum had engaged me for quite some time, and finally, the stars aligned for my visit. Delving into the rich history of the house, I discovered it was…

  • Introversion, A Miracle In The Chaos

    Part Two In the contemporary flow of time, an increasing certainty pass through our understanding: the essential solution for humanity’s survival on this planet lies in love and acceptance. It is a facet of our existence that calls for heightened attention. Although the Earth is vast with ample space for…